

A.J. Wilde, a gifted but cynical L.A. art-star, has just opened a brilliant show with a dozen dark, edgy self–portraits. In his late twenties, fame and fortune are already within grasp, but inner demons and destiny have other plans. While crossing the street late for a lucrative business meeting, A.J. meets the front end of an SUV that rockets him into a dream-like world of magical enchantment. But in this paradise, he sees a haunting beauty, an angel of death that had been terrifying him for months in recurring nightmares, and he recoils...

A.J. finds himself back on the pavement, wracked with pain, and knows he cannot return to life as he’s known it. Foregoing his commissions, closing his studio, A.J. escapes on a self-imposed exile to Mexico.

Directed to a seaside town that no one can find on any map, he’s haunted once again by the mysterious angel of death from his nightmares, Maya. She reads his mind, communicates with animals, and seeing the wounds from his accident, heals by touch. And doubles her age every night as she sleeps! By the fifth timeless day at “28,” she has broken his mind, opened his heart, and transported him into a luminous world of love he could have barely imagined. His angel of death had been his dream lover all along. Passionately in love, they savor their precious moments together, and make love, keenly aware that her days on earth are numbered. The next day with Maya now “56” and in her full power as a medicine woman, they discover in the jungle an ancient pyramid. Inside, she initiates A.J. into the mysteries of her realm, and then, in a burst of light, disappears as mysteriously as she came.

Alone and desolate, A.J. wonders how he can ever live without her? Seeing his desperate plight, and the power transmitted to him by Maya, his Mexican landlord reveals himself to be a shaman, and guide him to see beyond the world of appearances where he begins to see Maya and himself in a life of fulfillment and joy.