Liquid Light Productions is devoted to celebrate the magic and mystery of life through films, fine art, and multi-media enterprises. Founded in 1990 by Fu-Ding Cheng, it values personal transformation as the true source of cross-cultural understanding and peace in the world.
Films. Working with like-minded associates, Fu-Ding, who began his career as an architect, is now a visionary artist and filmmaker, and has produced, written and directed fifteen films and videos, including his prize-winning series Zen-Tales for the Urban Explorer. He has been honored by the UCLA/Hammer Museum in Los Angeles with a special retrospective of his films, and by the American Film Institute with an Independent Filmmaker’s Grant. The films, an amalgam of original paintings and live-action cinematography, have won dozens of awards, been screened in Asia, Europe and the United States including the Whitney Museum of Modern Art in New York.
Commissions. Fu-Ding’s diverse commissioned projects range from documentaries (Voyage working with gang kids) to music videos (Starship’s We Built This City), from album covers (Heart’s Dog And Butterfly) to murals (Chinese Celestial Dragon). His sculpture Giant Purple Rose was exhibited in Madison Square Park in New York.
Fine Art. His paintings combine timeless watercolor with the latest digital technology--the ultimate analogue media meets the ultimate digital--to create transcendent images that have been exhibited in galleries, private collections, and featured in films, books, and posters. Available Light Gallery presented a 20 year Survey of his paintings and watercolor/photo collages, Magic Realism and Beyond. Hampton Roads published Dream-House, a children's book he wrote and illustrated that was central in storytelling programs and children's seminars in Chicago, Los Angeles and North Carolina.
A Quest. But first priority over all vocational activities has been his life-long devotion to the spiritual quest. After a series of extraordinary experiences among the giant pyramids in Teotihuacan, Mexico, Fu-Ding "woke up" from the world of appearances, and his life changed forever. His life-long quest that had included Vedanta practice, meditation retreats in the Himalayas, Tai Chi and Chi Gong had bore fruit during his seven-year apprenticeship with Toltec shaman don Miguel Ruiz (The Four Agreements).
With Liquid Light Productions, Fu-Ding now dedicates his time to elevating consciousness through art, films, books and seminars. While teaching Film Directing at the North Carolina School of the Arts, he created a groundbreaking new curriculum, "Shamanic Tools for the Filmmaker." Based in Venice, California, he is currently launching the feature film, Maya, a mystical love story inspired by transcendent experiences gained from his Toltec practices; and Long Day's Journey Into Light, a memoir in the form of transformational tales complemented by 24 photo/watercolor paintings.
Artist's Statement: Through spiritual/shamanic practices, I have gained “new eyes,” an altered state free from the limits of time and logic, and see that even the most ordinary objects shimmer with the chi of the universe passing through. Colors become vibrant, solid matter turns translucent, and energy can be seen. Inspired by such perceptions, I am drawn to paint the energy of things as well as their forms, the essences of life as well as their appearances. Glimpsing into the nature of reality reveals magic in the mundane, which remains one of the driving passions in my work.
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